Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Washington State police officer is under investigation after civilians videotaped him struggling with a 17-year-old jay walker before punching her in the face.

Seattle police report that an unidentified police officer pulled a man aside for jay walking at the city's 3100 block of Martin Luther King, Jr. Way Monday.

While the officer was scolding the man for the traffic violation, he reportedly saw four young women jay walk in the exact same spot and asked them to step over to his vehicle.
Seattle police say the women became
“verbally antagonistic toward the officer” and one attempted to walk away.

That woman, a 19-year-old seen in a turquoise top, was then “escorted back” to the officer's patrol car police and reportedly “began to tense up her arm and pull away from the officer while yelling at him” before breaking away from him several times.

Her 17-year-old friend seen in a pink top, then intervened and placed her hand on the officer's arm causing him to punch her in the face. Both women were handcuffed and arrested. The 19-year-old faces an obstruction of justice charge and the 17-year-old is under investigation for assaulting an officer.

OMG! Jay walking equals a punch in the face, being arrested and placed under investigation for assaulting an officer, are you kidding me. This world we live in has become so tainted and backwards it is unreal! When did it become against the law to use your freedom of speech and voice your opinion and especially if you are being treated unfairly regardless if the person you are speaking to is a police officer or not? i have never seen a profession that is supposed to uphold the law and they do the most breaking of the law! And on top of that they are such emotional babies how is it that if you say something to a police officer and it hurts their feelings they can arrest you, or if you curse at them they can arrest you, but they can talk to you like dogs, and treat you like the dirt beneath their feet! Where is the justice in that? I wish we could get the parties involved side of the story, to see what really happened or just get their feedback. But in the meantime we will listen to any feedback from the public out there what do you think about the issue of Police taking the law into their own hands, and acting like they are above the law? And who is really out there for the public, it is almost like we don't have a voice......

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