Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So the United States has faced another tragedy with the oil spill, and we have a lot of people namely the media reporting that President Obama is not correcting the problem in a timely fashion, and that the public is upset with how he is handling the situation all together. I was listening to the radio this morning and the comment was that a poll was taken and the same percentage of people are not happy with the way that President Obama is acting to correct the problem as there were people upset with George W. Bush. WOW REALLY! Ok first the current president has been faced with ridicule and the hope of failure since he was voted into the spot of President of the United States, and lets not forget Obama is one man with a lot of duties, and he did not cause the oil spill. I agree this is a horrible tragedy and I am sympathetic to all who have been affected or lost a loved one, and my prayers go out to each person but to get something fixed you have to be part of the solution not the problem. I often tell my kids and friends be the cure not the cause, this is what our President is doing! Nothing happens overnight, and things take time. Have we ever thought about getting on board and finding out a way we can be  the cure and not the cause? Ridiculing, downgrading or not supporting is not the cure that is the cause and we can't progress until we get involved and help be the cure! I wonder out of all the people who are complaining and so called upset about how things are being handled, are they actively involved in making a change? Are they rescuing animals, donating food or clothes to the families in need, ANYTHING?  What is your take on the situation? Talk to us give your opinion, and if you are making a difference let us know how...

1 comment:

  1. I agree that people cant blame the president. Have you seen how much damage there is. He is doing everything he can. I read that this problem came about because BP was trying to cut costs. That wasn't the President's fault. If you want to help there are so many sites online taking donations. I bought a bottle of dawn soap then went to to enter the code on the bottle because every bottle purchased sends a dollar to save the wildlife. Instead of blaming the President get up and do your part to help our country.
